Tuesday, December 31, 2019


It seems like a no-brainer to use FOCUS as my Word of the Year in 2020.  If you are young, you may not have heard that 'perfect' vision for your eyes is referred to as 20/20, or 20 in each eye (if you are blessed enough).  So folks with great vision find it easy to FOCUS.

Well, I don't have great vision, and that's why I can't FOCUS and that's my story and I'm sticking to it.  (Stomps foot of inner five-year-old.)

Not.  It isn't even Quilter's ADD that keeps my fabrics on the bolt or in pieces.  I have unfinished projects in every area of my life.

FOCUS in 2020 on making finished projects, because I'm not getting any younger, and these fabrics are not going to sew themselves.

Please tell me YOUR Word of the Year 2020 if you have one, and why you've chosen it!

Thank you for reading my neglected blog,




  1. FOCUS is perfect!!! As you know mine is to be intentional in all that I want to accomplish.

    1. Yes, and fewer things we didn't intend that can draw us away, whatever that shiny squirrel might be, lol. Thanks for commenting.
